Відповідь Вправа 1, стор. 64
1. Is the USA the richest and one of the most developed countries in the world? (Yes, it is).
2. Is the territory of the USA large? (Yes, it is. The territory of the USA is almost 9,400,000 square kilometers).
3. What oceans is the USA washed by? (It is washed by tlie Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Arctic Ocean in the north).
4. What is the population of the USA? (The population of the USA is 252 mln people).
5. Is the climate different in different parts of the USA? [Yes, it is. The climate is different in different parts: from a polar climate in Alaska to a continental in the greater part of the country, and subtropical and tropical in the south of the USA).
6. Is New York the capital of the USA? (No, it isn’t. Washington is the capital of the USA).
7. What mineral resources is the country very rich in? (It is rich in coal, oil, uranium, ferrous and non-ferrous metals ores, gas and many others).
8. What are the largest cities in the USA? (The largest cities in the USA are: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles).
Word List mineral resources — корисні копалини
Coal — кам’яне вугілля oil — нафта uranium — уран ferrous and non-ferrous metals ores — руди чорних і кольорових металів
Вправа 2, стор. 64
— was at the cinema yesterday.
— Who was at the cinema yesterday?
— Was 1 at the cinema yesterday?
— When was I at the cinema?
— Where was 1 yesterday?
— Was I at the cinema or at the theatre yesterday?
— I was at the cinema yesterday, wasn’t I?
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