Однажды в Рождество – Once on Christmas
Once at Christmas I was sitting by the fireplace, dreaming of snowboarding and thinking of funny and bright cracking fire. From heat and light I fell asleep…….
A knock at my door. I opened it…And, oh miracle!!! Santa Claus stood before me.
Real Santa!!!
“Yes, don’t be surprised” – he said. “I am a real Santa and I need your help.”
Red cap, white beard, kind eyes and a smile. And in his hands he held a very long list of gifts. Then it was like in a fairy tale.
We were in the night sky, riding a sleigh, flying from house to house, hanging out presents. We congratulated at first those who were ill, and especially in need of care. Also those children who have no parents, because they really need kindness and some miracle in their
By the end of our trip, I was very tired but happy. To see the happy eyes of children – this is the best reward in this magic night. With that thought my eyes closed and sank into a deep sleep. And suddenly I heard a deafening roar and whistle and eight reindeer as birds soared.
Only through the wind I heard the words “Merry Christmas! I’ll be back! Good dreams!”
I opened my eyes. Everything was just at the places. But under the Christmas tree there was a new snowboard!
- What “Christmas” mean? Merry Christmas! (traditions) Christmas is an Annual Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Most members of the Roman Catholic Church and followers of Protestantism celebrate Christmas on December 25, and many celebrate on the evening of December 24 as well. In addition to being a religious holiday, Christmas is a widely observed secular […]...
- Урок английского языка в 3 классе “Christmas Lesson” Урок английского языка в 3 классе ” Christmas Lesson “ Автор: Овчаренко Наталья Александровна Учитель английского языка Феодосийская специализированная школа I – III ступеней №2 с углубленным изучением английского языка им. Д. И. Ульянова Г. Феодосия, Республика Крым Описание материала: Материал содержит методический план-конспект урока английского языка. Урок построен с учетом принципов наглядности, доступности и […]...
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- Тема урока “A Typical English House” 5 класс Тема урока “A Typical English House” Дата 27.11.12 Класс 5 А Цель: – развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся через знакомство с организацией быта и уклада жизни английских семей. Задачи: Активизировать лексико-грамматический материал; Формировать произносительные навыки; Учить учащихся осмысленно воспринимать и дифференцировать информацию из Прочитанного и услышанного; Развивать навыки монологической речи; Развивать устойчивый интерес у учащихся к […]...
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