Национальные стереотипы — National Stereotypes
Our world is giant and various and there are its own traditions in every corner of the world. Discovering these traditions is very interesting and fruitful, but there are many contradictions about it.
I satisfy myself, communicating with my friend, who lives in Atlanta, Georgia. We imagine Americans as people who like to eat very much and who are not well-educated, and they are easy-going. That’s so because our cultures are different from each other.
For instance, we took from the American culture network of fast food restaurants, although Americans at the same time try not to go the fast food restaurants.
There are many films in the Russian video hire for the average spectator, but it is so because many people will go to the cinema to watch them. I thought the same until I made friends with that American girl. She seemed to me well-educated and I can say that she had no such traits of character that we used to seek in Americans. She has another viewpoint of
She lives in a two-storey house and she can’t understand how people live in a two-roomed flat. She is also surprised that the Russian authors are liked in America but not liked in Russia. She is amazed that Russians can’t understand Dostoevsky’s books that are popular and famous among Americans.
So we see that Americans mention such things from what people in Russia refused.
At the same time Russian and American young adults are familiar to each other because we read the same books and watch the same films. Probably that’s why it is not so difficult to communicate with her.
We «met» on the Internet and we discussed the samebook that we read. We found out that our points of view are not so different from each other. She doesn’t think that she is much different from her American friends.
And I made conclusion that we shouldn’t believe stereotypes and Americans are also surprised when they get to know that there are not an eternal winter and there are no bears in the streets.
- Как спасти окружающую среду? — How to protect the environment? I think that Russia is one of the dirtiest countries in the world. In Russia almost every family has a car. And fumes of cars are very dangerous. Our factories, cars, trains and planes make the air dirty, so the atmosphere is polluted. I believe that one day somebody will invent energy that hasn’t fumes. […]...
- Урок на тему «Food and Health» УМК «Enjoy English. «5 — 6 классы Открытый урок УМК «Enjoy English. «5 — 6 классы. Авторы: Биболетова М. З., Добрынина Н. В., Трубанева Н. Н. Тема: » Food and Health « Учитель высшей категории МОУ Солодчинской СОШ Полякова Лариса Николаевна С. Солодча 2015г. Lesson plan 6th form » Food and Health» Aim: To provide student’s oral practice about Healthy eating Objective: […]...
- Learning foreign languages in Russian schools Learning foreign languages in Russian schools There’re many schools in Russia which curriculum has English. And it’s justified. There is no program, rusified or non-rusified, which is free from English words, no programming language, except JARRS, which has no functions or operators, came from English, but there are so many books, devices’ user instructions that […]...
- Русские люди — Russian people In my composition I would like to write about Russian people. Russia is a very rich country. It is rich in forests and mountains, rivers and lakes. There are many important cities, factories and industrial plants all over the country. There are a lot of wonders in Russia. But it is true to say that […]...
- Для чего нужен английский язык — Сочинение на английском языке Подготовка к ЕГЭ: Для чего нужен английский язык. Сочинение на английском языке Almost every person who does not know a foreign language, justifying his unknowledge of any language, says: «Why do I need to know English? I live very well without it.» I as a person who knows the English language want to tell what […]...
- Welcome to Annovka! Welcome to Annovka! First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Lida. I am fourteen years old. I am at 7-th grade. I am doing quite well at school. My mother is proud of my marks. Now I want to tell you about my home place. Butat first I start the talk with […]...
- Learning a foreign language Learning a foreign language isn’t an easy thing. Nowadays it’s especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in […]...
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- Надежда для Гаити — Hope for Haiti now Republic of Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. Nowadays we hear the word «Haiti» many times because it was an earthquake in Haiti a few weeks ago. And the whole country is destroyed. The world community tries to help Haiti with doctors, food, water and the other things that they need. […]...
- Mass media Mass media Getting information is one of daily necessities of a human being. The main source of information for millions of people is mass media. Mass media includes newspapers and magazines, advertising and radio, and, of cause, television. They influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Some people […]...
- Russian holidays To begin with I*d like to say that every country has its own customs, traditions and holidays. Some of the holidays are celebrated all over the world. Of course, it*s impossible to enumerate all the holidays. But I*d like to tell you about the most important and traditional in Russia. There are two the most […]...
- Смешные факты! — Funny facts! Nowadays there are a lot of funny facts which are really amusing. You can find them in the Internet. For instance, you go to www. google. com and write funny facts. You know that the sexiest woman (I think so), Marilyn Monroe, had six toes on one foot. She needed to do more time for […]...
- Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему «Электронное письмо как новое средство общения» МБОУ СОШ № 5 «Многопрофильная» Учитель английского языка Чернова Валентина Анатольевна Урок английского языка в 6 классе (второй год обучения) Тема урока : «Электронное письмо как новое средство общения» Цели урока Развитие коммуникативных умений обучающихся в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме); Дальнейшее развитие общих и специальных учебных умений; ознакомление с различными […]...
- Детское счастье — Children’s happiness Childhood is the happiest time. We always remember our childhood as the happiest moments of our life. However, childhood made for us our parents. Each child dreams about happy family, about loving parents. And parents dream to do only the best for their babies, give them that they had not. Parents are the nearest people […]...
- Сценарий праздника «Страноведческий калейдоскоп» Сценарий праздника «Страноведческий калейдоскоп» Teacher: Dear guests! We are very happy to see you here. We strongly hope you won’t waste your precious time. Today we are starting a trip to Great Britain, the USA and Russia. We will tell you about their culture, traditions, customs. What is more, we shall have a cultural quiz. […]...
- The example of an American essay FOOD SERVICE OPTIONS AT SCHOOL Dear Members of the School Board: High school students have always complained about the food in the cafeteria. As one of those high school students, I am glad that the Board is considering two different possibilities for the new high school cafeteria. One is to have a traditional cafeteria-style service. […]...
- Leisure To begin with I*d like to say that leisure is the time when you are not working or studing. It*s time free for rest, relaxation and amusement. Many teenagers spend their leisure time doing sports, shopping, sightseeing, theatre or cinema going playing computers and so on. I*m like many other teenagers. First of all when […]...
- Урок по теме «A day in England» A day in England In England many people get up at 7 o’clock because they start work and school at around 8 o’ clock. Before leaving the house English people almost always eat breakfast, usually tea or coffee? And toast or cereal although some people like a big breakfast with eggs, toast, bacon, tomatoes, Mushrooms […]...
- Test «The USA» Test «The USA» There are….. states in the United States of America. A) 19 c) 50 B) 23 d) 48 2. The USA is washed by the…. in the west. A) Black Sea c) Northern Sea B) Japan Sea d) Pacific Ocean 3. About…. Million people live in the US. A) 300 c) 450 B) […]...
- Ответы на аглийском по теме: cinema 1. Do you like the cinema? Yes, I do. I am fond of cinema, because it’s one of the ways of entertainment. 2. Which films, feature or documentaries do you prefer? I like both. Feature films are made especially to entertain the public and documentaries are based on real facts and usually show the true […]...
- Тема урока «A Typical English House» 5 класс Тема урока «A Typical English House» Дата 27.11.12 Класс 5 А Цель: — развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся через знакомство с организацией быта и уклада жизни английских семей. Задачи: Активизировать лексико-грамматический материал; Формировать произносительные навыки; Учить учащихся осмысленно воспринимать и дифференцировать информацию из Прочитанного и услышанного; Развивать навыки монологической речи; Развивать устойчивый интерес у учащихся к […]...
- Транспорт в Лондоне — Getting about London London is a huge metropolitan area that’s why public transport is vitally important for the city dwellers as well as tourists, for whom it might be quite confusing to get about London. Unlike Russian public transport, British transport system is reliable and quite cheap. However, due to the increase of car ownership, London traffic has […]...
- Grammar tests. Present Simple Tense Present Simple Tense Test 1 1. … you know Patrick Rich? a) Do b) Does 2. He usually… a sports car! a) drive b) drives 3. He doesn’t… slow cars. a) like b) likes 4. He… fast cars. a) like b) likes 5. He sometimes… too fast. a) drive b) drives 6. He always… his […]...
- Розробка уроку по темі «Great Inventions» Тема: Great Inventions Мета: Закріпити лексику теми. Повторити граматичний Матеріал Passive Voice. Розвивати мовленнєву Компетенцію учнів через інсценування ситуацій Та читання тексту. Розвивати мовну здогадку, Аудіальні здібності. Виховувати зацікавленість Наукою, культуру спілкування. Обладнання: Плакат з назвою теми, чайнворд, портрети Винахідників, малюнки винаходів, картки, Звукозапис телевізійних мелодій. Хід уроку I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення 1.1 […]...
- Конспект урока английского языка для 9 класса по теме «Here is the News» МАОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №12 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов» г. Губкина Белгородской области, учитель английского языка Богданова Г. В. МАОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №12 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов» Конспект урока английского языка для 9 класса по теме «Here is the News» Учитель английского языка Богданова Г. В. Г. Губкин -2012 Тема: Here ‘ […]...
- Урок по теме: «Time off» Жумагалиева Сымбат Кайдаровна Атырауская область Пос. Индерборский Средняя школа имени М. Ауэзова Theme of the lesson: Time off Aims of the lesson: To provide students with an opportunity for free speaking practice To develop students’ reading, speaking, listening abilities To communicate about the theme Materials: Presentation, Worksheets Warm-up Good afternoon! How are you? Are you […]...
- Ray Duglas Bradbury (1920) Ray Bradbury is an American author of many imaginative science-fiction short stories, novels and plays. Ray Bradbury was born on August 22,1920, in the town of Wokehan, Illinois, into the family of an electric plant worker. His mother was a devoted cinema fan, and Ray got his second name after his mother’s favourite actor, a […]...
- Kyiv is situated on both banks of the river Dnipro Kyiv has a population of more than 3 million inhabitants. The city is green and beautiful. The streets are lined up with chestnut trees. The green lawns, squares, public gardens are bright with red tulips. The streets are lined up with chestnut trees. Every last Sunday in May the Kyiv Spring Festival is traditionally held […]...
- Урок для 8 класса на тему «THE EARTH NEEDS A FRIEND, DOESN’T IT?» КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА В 8 КЛАССЕ ПО УЧЕБНИКУ О. В. АФАНАСЬЕВОЙ ПО ТЕМЕ «THE EARTH NEEDS A FRIEND, DOESN’T IT?» Цель урока: Развитие и совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения, говороения и Письма по теме «Проблемы экологии» ХОД УРОКА I Warm-up II Фонетическая зарядка T: Read the words on the blackboard and say what common sound […]...
- Англия — моя любимая страна — England is my favorite country There are many different counters in the world but I would like to visit a lot of dreams but travelling to England is my best wish. Every country is interesting in its own but England at tract me with its beauty and unusual architecture. It’s every beautiful and industrial country. There are many museums and […]...
- The Mass Media To begin with I’d like to say that the mass media are the various toys which information is given to a large member of people. The press, radio, television and internet are the m. m that keep people informed on the topical issues of the day. The m. m do much to excite an interest […]...
- Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку для 7 класса по учебнику Кауфман М Валеева Эльвира Ризвановна, МБОУ Большеелгинская СОШ Рыбно-Слободского района Республики Татарстан, Учитель английского языка Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку для 7 класса по учебнику Кауфман М 1. He is… my friend. A) a B) the C) — 2. It was… interesting film. A) a B) an C) the 3. He is from… Russia. A) a B) […]...
- Перемены всегда к лучшему! — Change is always for the better! I believe that a change is always for the better. You may ask: «What is a change?» A change is an opportunity to discover yourself in different sides of your personality. Also, it means that you go to the new level of your life position. One of the best examples of a change is a […]...
- Welcome to Udmurtia! The Udmurt Republic is a sovereign republic within the Russian Federation. It is situated in the Western part of the Middle Urals between the Kama and Vyatka rivers. The distance between Izhevsk, the capital of the Udmurt Republic, and Moskow, the capital of the Russian Federation, is 1325 km. The republic covers an area of […]...
- Кроссворд по теме «Праздники Англоговорящих стран» Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение Лицей № 4 МБОУ Лицей 4 Кроссворд по теме «Праздники Англоговорящих стран» Разработал учитель английского языка Игнатова Екатерина Юрьевна МБОУ Лицей № 4 г. Коломна Г. Коломна Puzzle for 5 form (кроссворд) Holidays of the Year 1 2 T 3 H 4 A 5 N 6 K 7 S 8 G […]...
- Контрольная работа по английскому языку как второму иностранному (первый год изучения) Лексико-грамматический тест 7 класс 1. Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных A flat A spoon A bus A pencil A box An actor A girl A bench A witch A room 2. Поставьте глагол в форму Present Simple They at home. (to be) He a doctor. (to be) I your address. (to know) She English […]...
- Лондон. Визначні місця Лондона Тема: «London» Мета уроку: Закріплення і вдосконалення знань з теми «London». Завдання: Удосконалювати комунікативні навички учнів, учити застосовувати отримані знання в конкретній ситуації. Практикувати мовну діяльність: аудіювання і монологічне мовлення. Активізувати лексику теми. розширювати словниковий запас. Розвивати уміння порівнювати і узагальнювати матеріал, висловити свою думку англійською мовою. Розвивати кругозір учнів, стимулювати учнів до самостійного пошуку […]...
- Мое отношение к субкультурам — My relation to subcultures My relation to subculture is different. Subculture is a good thing on the one hand, because the young people can go to some groups and they can communicate with the friends. These young people are similar in interests and hobbies. All of them have common topics for dialogues. As a rule, they are the musical […]...
- Урок в 10 классе «Проблемы экологии» Урок в 10 классе «Проблемы экологии» Цели урока: 1. Практиковать диалогическую речь учащихся; 2. Обобщить имеющиеся знания по одной из злободневных проблем современности; 3. Повысить мотивацию к изучаемому языку. 4. Развивать умение анализировать, сопоставлять. 5. Воспитывать бережное отношение к природе и окружающей среде. Ход урока. Организационный момент. Вступительная речь учителя. Dear friends. Our lesson we […]...
- Темы для устной части ГИА по английскому языку Темы для устной части ГИА по английскому языку The place where you live. Seasons of the year (how the weather changes every season, which season is your favorite, what you enjoy doing in different seasons and why). Your favorite writer. Plans for the next weekend. Your weekdays (which weekday is the busiest, how long it […]...